Friday, 7 January 2011

Take a bite of my heart tonight...

Crop top - River Island
High Waisted Trousers - River Island
Bag - New Look

Happy Friday bloggers! These bank holidays are messing with my internal calender, it no way feels like a Friday! I've spend all day trying to finish off my essay, I've hit the word deadline now, just a little tidying up to do! (Thank goodness for that!) I'm full up with a cold so didn't feel like a proper outfit post today so will just share with you this kind of outfit photograph. I absolutely love this top! It's from River Island and by the in-store brand 'The FiFi Factory'. Again I got it in the last sale, I think I paid around £5 for it, I like how rocky the image of the mouth is! These peg leg trousers are an absolute god sent when you're having an 'off' day, they sit on your waist so hide anything you want to keep hidden! I bought these around october time and then they went into the sale so don't think they're in store either. I mentioned this bag quite a few posts back so here it is! It's not the most flattering image for it but as I said I'm not feeling the best today so take pity on me!ha.

As I'm feeling unwell I'm starting to feel a little fed up, especially with my style. I usually get like this every few months and it's normally down to my clothes. However this time I'm happy with my wardrobe but getting a little fed up with my hair! It's looks okay in the photo's I post onto here as I have my extensions clipped in but my natural hair is at a really awkward length. I started to grow out my bob early in the summer holidays and it isn't growing quick enough! My hair is just passing my shoulders now and I'm debating whether to keep growing it or to have it all chopped off again! I'm not going to do anything to it until I'm feeling better just incase it is just the cold talking! I'm fed up of feeling like my hair is going through an awkward stage! Anyone seen any nice hairstyles lately that would like to recommend? I'm open to all suggestions!



  1. im the same as you with regards to your hair, i had mine in a bob last year and it's taken like, 10 months!? for it to grow to just past my shoulders but its so boring and shapeless atm! my plan is to grow it out though and then decide once its long enough what to do with it! im a new follower as well (found you on lookbook), love your blog!

  2. I absolutely ADORE that crop top. It is deffo a keeper. You have such a great figure. JEALOUS!

    Sorry to hear you've been feeling k$t^45kx'@! lately. I'm also bunged up with a cold. Sudafed & Lempsip are my best friends right now.

    Hmm, not sure what style you could have you hair. Maybe cut it to mid length, have it short at the back and long at the front? And lots of layers for crazy texture and volume? xx

  3. I love this outfit darling, River Island has such fabulous clothes in store lately, I used to be a Topshop adorer but swayed more to R.I now ♥

    I love Rihanna for hair inspiration flower.

    *following your blog*

    Eda ♥

  4. Gorgeous outfit! I'm loving River Island at the moment. I get the same about my hair too! I'm actually going through the stage right now, I just don't know what to do with it! ): x

  5. Ah someone else who feels my pain! I think that's my new plan too, be a waste of 6 months of scruffy hair to have it cut back up now!ha. Thanks so much!(: good luck with the hair!♥

    Aw thanks, but it's not that great!ha, need to get back into the gym asap! There's definitely something going around! That's the style I used to have!(: I miss it! Hope you feel better soon♥

    Thanks(: Same! Though I think I was swayed slightly aswell by my staff discount!ha. Oh Rihanna could pull any hair style off!♥

    Thank you! It does seem to have got a lot better as of late! It's horrible isn't it!): I'm jealous of the people who can pull off mid length hair but I'm not one of them!ha, good luck with the hair!♥


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