Sunday 4 September 2011


A snippet of my fake tan collection

I started using fake tan when I was around 16 & think I've been addicted since! I love the way a healthy glow can make you feel. I don't go overboard & (hope) I look tanned not 'tangoed' but I'm rarely seen without it & probably wouldn't go on a night out if I wasn't tanned! This may sound a little ridiculous/sad to those who aren't converted to the ways of fake tan but I just feel a million times better when I'm wearing it! I have a natural olive skin tone (as well as naturally dark hair & eyes) so I tan easily & I think having a bit a colour suits me well. Unfortunately, as everyone who lives here knows, the British climate doesn't exactly provide the tools to gain a natural tan which means I am deathly white underneath my fake tan! But fortunately for me Greece is home to beautiful weather so when I jet off on holidays in three weeks time it'll be time to get my tan onnn! 

After realising how bad my tanning habit had gotten I decided to see if I could go a week or so without it. I'm on day 6 of being tan-less & I suppose I am slowly getting used to seeing my pale face in the mirror. Tan hides a multitude of sins so now my dark circles, spots & blemishes are even more visible for the world to see. Even my roots seem darker against my pale complexion! All in all I feel like a total mess! This little tan detox may be worth putting up with until I go on holidays so that my skin is nice & fresh ready for the sun, but I don't think I'll be making a habit of this no tan malarky! All I've done is work this week so feeling washed out hasn't affected me but I'm going to see Adele Wednesday (EEK EXCITED!) so will be busting out my tanning mitt in time for the concert! So is it just me or are there fellow tan addicts out there that can't go with out?...

PS I'm proud of how sensible you bloggers are that are helping me out with deciding how to spend my £50! Looks like I'll be investing in a new winter coat(: thanks for your help! 


  1. I'm addicted too! I will NOT go on a night out without tanning first!

  2. I just don't feel put together without fake tan on. I would love to hear any tips and methods you use



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